#44: Finding Strength with Self-Compassion
**Announcement** A Keen Mind will host a NEW Online Community Meditation Group: First Meeting: May 3rd, 4pm EST- Details and how to register below.
Practicing mindfulness helps us manage stress and can also help you become more resilient in the face of challenges. Being mindful also means having compassion for yourself. Practicing self-compassion and loving-kindness meditation reduces negative emotions, increases positive emotions, fosters resilience and Self-compassion helps us feel more connected to ourselves and others, even when we are apart from each other. This episode covers the 3 components of self-compassion followed by a loving-kindness meditation
The NEW Online Community Meditation Group that will be offered at the starting May 3rd at 4pm EST is an opportunity to learn and practice mindfulness-meditation with the support of others. The group is open to everyone on a drop-in basis. There is no need to have prior meditation experience; however, you may find listening to this episode #43: Understanding Mindfulness and Meditation will help you understand more about mindfulness and meditation as you prepare to join the group. This community group draws on traditional meditations practiced in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and beyond. To learn more about the Online Community Meditation Group or to register, visit: https://akeenmind.com/services-3/community-meditation-group/
If you are in North Carolina and would like to learn more about counseling or 1:1 meditation click on the links that follow: Counseling or 1:1 Meditation
I have a two-part Mindfulness for Beginner series on Simple Habit that includes 14 meditations. If you would like to try out Simple Habit Free use the coupon code meditatewithjude to have access to Simple Habit with all of his meditations as well as over 100 other experts. Make sure that you apply the coupon code online prior to downloading the app. Directions are below to obtain your free trial. This is a 30 day FREE Trial.
- Input the following link: https://www.simplehabit.com/redeem/meditatewithjude
- Create a login or the automatic login options like Facebook or Google.
- Download the app and enjoy! The free trial will then be applied to your mobile app as well (ios and Android)
- You will have access to over 500 meditations on the app even if you do not use the paid version
I am a meditation teacher on Yoga Vibes which is a platform that provides on-demand video for yoga and meditation instruction. There are over 2000 classes with a variety of teachers and styles. If you would like the flexibility to practice yoga at home or when you’re traveling you can try Yoga Vibes for free for 15 days. Use the coupon code judejohnson and you’ll save $50 off giving you on a 1 years subscription for 149.95. Check out https://www.yogavibes.com to learn more.
Connect with me on Facebook or Instagram where you will find inspiring posts about mindfulness and meditation. Subscribe to the show through the Anchor app where you can find the show on 10 other platforms or subscribe through Apple Podcasts below.