Mon - Fri 8AM-5PM


5200 Park Rd. STE 218 Charlotte, NC 28209


#36: Mindfulness Based Counseling

A Keen Mind / Podcast  / #36: Mindfulness Based Counseling

#36: Mindfulness Based Counseling

This episode is going to explore the use of mindfulness and meditation within counseling sessions. This show discusses the difference between feelings of sadness and clinical depression and how mindful inquiry is used in therapy.  Following the talk, a guided meditation is provided. The release of this episode marks exactly 1 year of the A Keen Mind podcast!  Thank you all for listening and helping this show be listed in the top 25 mindfulness podcasts of 2019 by Feedspot.  Below is a link to Feedspot’s article featuring the A Keen Mind show.

I will be providing Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction this Fall through the Charlotte Center for Mindfulness and the orientation will be on September 9th at 630pm.  To learn more follow the link MBSR ORIENTATION

Subscribe to the show through the Anchor app where you can find the show on 10 other platforms or subscribe through Apple Podcasts below.

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