Mon - Fri 8AM-5PM


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mindful of race Tag

A Keen Mind / Posts tagged "mindful of race"

#46: Being Mindful of Race

This episode explores how to become more mindful of race.  We explore some of the research on racial bias and how we can help facilitate healing racial divisions, through curiosity, mindful listening and compassion.  I apologize in advance for any oversights or biases caused by my own misperceptions about race. We are seeing immense suffering in our country and in our world over racial injustice, domestic violence, substance abuse, child abuse, mental illness,  and all to the backdrop of 120 thousand plus deaths due to COVID-19.  Overwhelming stress brings our individual and societal wounds to the surface.  Following this talk, there will be a guided meditation that focuses on compassion for self and others. Please consider watching the Ted Talk by Bryan Steveson, "We...

#46: Being Mindful of Race

This episode explores how to become more mindful of race.  We explore some of the research on racial bias and how we can help facilitate healing racial divisions, through curiosity, mindful listening and compassion.  I apologize in advance for any oversights or biases caused by my own misperceptions about race. We are seeing immense suffering in our country and in our world over racial injustice, domestic violence, substance abuse, child abuse, mental illness,  and all to the backdrop of 120 thousand plus deaths due to COVID-19.  Overwhelming stress brings our individual and societal wounds to the surface.  Following this talk, there will be a guided meditation that focuses on compassion for self and others. Please consider watching the Ted Talk by Bryan Steveson, "We...