#35: Mindful Living, Reflection & Meditation
This episode looks at how we can use mindfulness and reflective questions to help us undo the strong pull within us to move away from being vulnerable. Asking important questions and reflecting on what matters most in our lives can put us in touch with our intrinsic values. When we are in touch with what really matters, were not consumed with competing with others, but in pursuit of living. Following the talk there will be a guided meditation. I started the A Keen Mind Podcast almost 1 year ago and I am proud to announce that this show has been listed as one of the Top 25 Mindfulness Podcasts of 2019 by Feedspot. This would not be possible without all of you who listen to show. I am so grateful to you all for your kind reviews, messages and encouragement to continue this show. If you are in the Charlotte NC area and would like to attend our next workshop on July 19th or learn more about: Train for Life…Be Mindful…& Live Abundantly follow the link: www.akeenmind.com