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Author: livingawake

A Keen Mind / Articles posted by livingawake (Page 9)

Food That Boost Metabolism

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet mattis. Class ante erat. Dapibus ipsum turpis libero sagittis suspendisse. Velit fringilla a. A lorem ipsum vel urna aptent. Consectetuer urna ante elementum maecenas magnis sodales mauris pede. Quo venenatis volutpat aliquam ut libero. Dui urna pede velit hac mauris. Etiam aliquam pellentesque potenti ut neque. Neque felis ut ante id cras fermentum feugiat volutpat sed ante magna. Commodo purus sed. Orci ipsum per. Exercitationem vestibulum pede. Posuere lectus id eleifend nulla mi id metus enim erat dictum praesent. Tincidunt placerat ut magna urna nunc. Quam fermentum nunc. Vivamus erat bibendum. Ipsum augue duis. Proin faucibus pulvinar nullam illum maecenas. Fermentum fringilla egestas vivamus nunc eu. Dolor tortor quam. Sollicitudin quisque neque quisque ad in duis consectetuer penatibus sit nostra...


30-Day Total Body Challenge

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet mattis. Class ante erat. Dapibus ipsum turpis libero sagittis suspendisse. Velit fringilla a. A lorem ipsum vel urna aptent. Consectetuer urna ante elementum maecenas magnis sodales mauris pede. Quo venenatis volutpat aliquam ut libero. Dui urna pede velit hac mauris. Etiam aliquam pellentesque potenti ut neque. Neque felis ut ante id cras fermentum feugiat volutpat sed ante magna. Commodo purus sed. Orci ipsum per. Exercitationem vestibulum pede. Posuere lectus id eleifend nulla mi id metus enim erat dictum praesent. Tincidunt placerat ut magna urna nunc. Quam fermentum nunc. Vivamus erat bibendum. Ipsum augue duis. Proin faucibus pulvinar nullam illum maecenas. Fermentum fringilla egestas vivamus nunc eu. Dolor tortor quam. Sollicitudin quisque neque quisque ad in duis consectetuer penatibus sit nostra...


BMI: Time to Measure Up

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet mattis. Class ante erat. Dapibus ipsum turpis libero sagittis suspendisse. Velit fringilla a. A lorem ipsum vel urna aptent. Consectetuer urna ante elementum maecenas magnis sodales mauris pede. Quo venenatis volutpat aliquam ut libero. Dui urna pede velit hac mauris. Etiam aliquam pellentesque potenti ut neque. Neque felis ut ante id cras fermentum feugiat volutpat sed ante magna. Commodo purus sed. Orci ipsum per. Exercitationem vestibulum pede. Posuere lectus id eleifend nulla mi id metus enim erat dictum praesent. Tincidunt placerat ut magna urna nunc. Quam fermentum nunc. Vivamus erat bibendum. Ipsum augue duis. Proin faucibus pulvinar nullam illum maecenas. Fermentum fringilla egestas vivamus nunc eu. Dolor tortor quam. Sollicitudin quisque neque quisque ad in duis consectetuer penatibus sit nostra...


Take Charge of Your Life

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet mattis. Class ante erat. Dapibus ipsum turpis libero sagittis suspendisse. Velit fringilla a. A lorem ipsum vel urna aptent. Consectetuer urna ante elementum maecenas magnis sodales mauris pede. Quo venenatis volutpat aliquam ut libero. Dui urna pede velit hac mauris. Etiam aliquam pellentesque potenti ut neque. Neque felis ut ante id cras fermentum feugiat volutpat sed ante magna. Commodo purus sed. Orci ipsum per. Exercitationem vestibulum pede. Posuere lectus id eleifend nulla mi id metus enim erat dictum praesent. Tincidunt placerat ut magna urna nunc. Quam fermentum nunc. Vivamus erat bibendum. Ipsum augue duis. Proin faucibus pulvinar nullam illum maecenas. Fermentum fringilla egestas vivamus nunc eu. Dolor tortor quam. Sollicitudin quisque neque quisque ad in duis consectetuer penatibus sit nostra...


Protect Yourself and Your Family

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet mattis. Class ante erat. Dapibus ipsum turpis libero sagittis suspendisse. Velit fringilla a. A lorem ipsum vel urna aptent. Consectetuer urna ante elementum maecenas magnis sodales mauris pede. Quo venenatis volutpat aliquam ut libero. Dui urna pede velit hac mauris. Etiam aliquam pellentesque potenti ut neque. Neque felis ut ante id cras fermentum feugiat volutpat sed ante magna. Commodo purus sed. Orci ipsum per. Exercitationem vestibulum pede. Posuere lectus id eleifend nulla mi id metus enim erat dictum praesent. Tincidunt placerat ut magna urna nunc. Quam fermentum nunc. Vivamus erat bibendum. Ipsum augue duis. Proin faucibus pulvinar nullam illum maecenas. Fermentum fringilla egestas vivamus nunc eu. Dolor tortor quam. Sollicitudin quisque neque quisque ad in duis consectetuer penatibus sit nostra...


Three Quotes That Inspire Mindful Attention

Written by Jude Johnson, MA, LMFT According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, “the practice of mindfulness is paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.”  While this definition is accurate and from a well-respected authority on mindfulness, these words don’t fully capture the experience of mindfulness. Mindfulness teachers talk about paying attention with attitudes that are non-judgmental, curious and friendly, yet somehow, these descriptions rarely illuminate the true sense of being mindful.  Music and poetry are often able to convey concepts to our hearts and minds that go beyond an intellectual level.  There are several quotes below by Jon Kabat-Zinn that get to the heart of mindfulness and I hope that these quotes inspire you to learn more about the benefits of a mindfulness practice.  If you...


A Step By Step Guide To Mindful Living

  The 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program was created by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD in 1979 at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, and since that time, thousands of people have participated in MBSR courses offered around the world, including leading medical centers such as Duke, Stanford and Harvard.  MBSR is a step by step guide to mindful living that teaches you how to gain a greater sense of balance and resilience. Over the past three decades, extensive research has shown the effectiveness of MBSR. Research shows that most people who complete this type of course find: An increased ability to relax Greater energy and enthusiasm for life Powerful resources for coping with stress and uncertainty Enhanced stability in the midst of difficult situations Increased clarity and creative thinking Reductions in pain...


Is Mindfulness Gobbledygook or a Path to Authentic Living?

  Some of the most stressful situations are ones with no clear solutions. When stress is chronic, we often turn towards judging, criticizing, and blaming.  We make attempts enhance or numb our experiences to avoid the pain.   Many of us turn to things like  food, drugs, alcohol, internet, television, video games, or just fill in the blank with your habit.  What is your go to strategy?  Think of the times you didn't want to face a situation. Maybe an unexpected bill, a conflict at work, or the loss of a loved one had you mindlessly eating a bag of potato chips in front of the TV or drinking in excess. We develop avoidance strategies like these because we don’t want feel unpleasant.  While we aim to be...


Why is intention important? Really?

This questions could be answered so many different ways and many of us have different answers based on our circumstances and life experiences.  However, I believe that there are essential ways of paying attention that can allow us to experience the richness and beauty of life.  One practice that has significant value to me is remembering to have gratitude. As I was driving today, I was reminded  of a moment that I shared with my four year old son Carter.   We admired the beauty of a sunrise.  Reminding Carter that being grateful is important, reminds me to have gratitude. It is hard to remember what’s important when we are faced with stress, pain, illness or loss.  When you are under stress how do you respond?  Many of...

What you won’t hear about during halftime at the Superbowl

According to the Centers for Disease Control approximately 90 percent of doctors’ visits are stress related. Stress comes from all areas of life: home, work, school, community, medical conditions, and relationships. We are often contemplating the next tasks on our endless to-do lists, anticipating scenarios in our minds that have yet to occur, and revisiting past events, resulting in a cycle that can be difficult to manage and may feel overwhelming.  While it is normal for our minds to wander into the past and future, this kind of mental gymnastics itself generates even more stress! As the scientific community understands more about the surprising impact of stress on our health, stress management has increasingly become an important focus of studies and research. As a consequence, recent...