Mon - Fri 8AM-5PM


5200 Park Rd. STE 218 Charlotte, NC 28209



1-On-1 Meditation Sessions


Mindfulness Resouces

Mindfulness | Grounding | Meditation

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Stress Reduction | Mindfulness | Meditation

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Stress, Anxiety, Depression, & Life Transitions

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Private Meditation Sessions

1-On-1 & Small Groups

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Do You Struggle With Stress?

  • Do you feel dread & fatigue over your endless to-do list?
  • Are you overwhelmed and have trouble focusing with all you have to do?
  • Is it difficult to fall asleep even when you’re tired?
  • Do you have trouble letting go of worry?
  • Is it hard to relax?
  • Do you need a break from negative thoughts?

If any of this sounds familiar, you are not alone. Up to 90% of doctor’s office visits are stress related.

Stress can make us feel like nothing in life is going our way. Another bill to pay, a deadline to meet, an unexpected illness or worse, we lose someone we love. In moments like these, we’re are not sure if we should scream, give up, run away or grab a drink.

Most of us are battling stress over competing demands from work, home or both and would love to find relief from the onslaught of daily strains and pressures.

I help stressed-out people find lasting relief, so they feel happy healthy and peaceful. People are able to achieve positive results and apply mindfulness to daily life by participating in Counseling or taking the 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course.  

The A Keen Mind Podcast provided provides content that will help you reduce stress by leanring to be mindful in daily life.  Each episode has a guided meditation. If you have found value from the podcast or a free mindfulness training, please consider making a donation.

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Benefits of MBSR & Mindfulness

People who take MBSR & practice mindfulness find:

✽ Improved concentration, memory, creativity, & learning ability

✽ Reduced anxiety and improved quality of sleep

✽ Improved health conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes

✽ Increased ability to manage stress and relax

✽ Reduced emotional and physical pain


Jennifer  “ When I started the class, I wasn’t sleeping for weeks which caused me to feel anxious. Despite being very active and generally optimistic, I shut down, stopped eating, lost weight and became depressed. I felt helpless because my daughter was struggling with depression and I didn’t know how to help her.  I was taking medication and going to counseling, but nothing worked. This class gave me the tools I needed to live in the present moment. I stopped spending so much time living in the future and making up stories in my mind about my life that weren’t true. By the end of the course I was sleeping well and let go of worry and depression. I have referred many of my friends to MBSR and all of them have loved the class!”

Improve Your Life

In Charlotte meditation and mindfulness practices are growing and they span the globe with over 750 MBSR programs worldwide. MBSR will help you develop life-long tools to maximize your quality of life through enhanced awareness, even when you are facing stress, pain and illness.


Upcoming Classes

4-week Mindfulness & Stress Reduction
April 9th at 6:45pm-8:00pm (Registration is open)

MBSR Classes

8-Week Mindfulness & Stress Reduction course orientation will be held September 9th at 630pm

Individual Meditation Sessions

These sessions are intended to help you learn and grow a sustainable mindfulness practice.

Mindfulness Based Counseling

Therapeutic approaches are designed to improve quality of life, self-awareness, and positive feelings

Excellent Form of Mind-Body Medicine

Mindfulness meditation, along with yoga, is an excellent form of mind-body medicine. When added to, or combined with, an existing medical or a psychological treatment, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program can significantly benefit your health, and effectively enhance the treatment results pertaining to the following conditions:

Chronic pain, high blood pressure, heart disease, fibromyalgia, GI Distress, skin conditions, headaches as well as many other conditions.  It can also be helpful for psychological distress like panic, anxiety, depression, fatigue and sleep disturbances. Even if you are not facing a medical issue, MBSR can improve overall well-being and enhance your health. 

How It Works?

Neural-pathways comprise of neurons that are responsible to connect distant areas of the mind. Through repetition and practice, these pathways are strengthened and thus, formed into habits. If your mind is trained to overthink & stress, it becomes a habit. On the contrary, mindfulness meditation rewires the mind to view thoughts, differently. It teaches you to focus, relax and thereby reduce the ‘mental time-travel’ and ruminating about the past.
Even if you are not facing a medical issue, MBSR can improve overall wellbeing and enhance your health. According to the World Health Organization “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

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