Mon - Fri 8AM-5PM


5200 Park Rd. STE 218 Charlotte, NC 28209


December 2017

A Keen Mind / 2017 / December

Using Mindfulness to Help Enjoy the Holidays

Written by: Jude Johnson The holiday season is a time for celebration; however, for many it may also bring added financial pressures and the reminder that we have failed at accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves at the start of the year. If you are feeling financial pressure surrounding gift giving, have conversations with your loved ones about what you can afford and come up with a plan. Regardless of budget, reflect on the time you have spent with your loved ones and think about the reasons WHY you are giving gifts. If you do not have money to spend on gifts this season, consider writing letters of gratitude or providing coupons for kind deeds to those you love. Above all, remember what matters most are...
